Boxers have been our passion and part of our family for 20 years. Their fun-loving, soulful and intelligent – yes, some would say even ‘willful’ - disposition coupled with their athletic, balanced and graceful build, is what endeared us to them and ultimately captured and held our hearts.
In 2001 we made the decision to enter into the foray of breeding boxers. We looked to Monika Pinsker of the renowned Mephisto Kennels for a foundation bitch on which to build our kennel and embark upon this journey. We were very fortunate to be entrusted with ‘Sadie’, Can Ch Mephisto’s Drambuie, a granddaughter of both the great Can Ch Doll Announces Veni Vidi Vici, SOM, SOMC and Am Ch Berena’s Tribute to Fa-Fa SOM, SOMC, LOMC. Sadie has produced for us some very fine puppies – some of which can be seen on our puppy pages.
We strive to improve the breed by way of carefully selecting breeding dogs on the basis of health, longevity, temperament and correct type.
We are located in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia. Should you have an inquiry, please go to our contact page to email us.